SunEnergy1, LLC is proposing the Dixon Run Solar Project, a 140 megawatt (MW) solar facility on approximtely 2,082 acres of privately owned land in Bloomsfield Township within Jackson County, Ohio. The Project will produce solar-powered electricity that will maximize energy production from available solar resources in order to deliver clean, renewable electricity to Ohio customers.
Project Schedule.
Acquisition of land and land rights began in 2016 was completed in 2017. During this time, outreach was conducted to landowners and community leaders throughout the Project vicinity.
A public information meeting was held on July 22, 2021 from 6PM-8PM to facilitate public interaction with the Applicant and expert consultants. It included information about SunEnergy1; the Project’s location, size, and the supporting rationale; the types of studies and due diligence that will be conducted by SunEnergy1, the Ohio Power Siting Board’s review and certification process; the expected timeline of the Project and construction process. If you were not able to attend this meeting , but still have comments or questions, you may submit them on the Submit a Comment page.
A second public information meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the ParksEdge Event Center located at 601 E. Main St., Jackson, Ohio 45640. The meeting format will be similar to an open house. Maps of the project area will be available to review. Company representatives will also be available to answer questions. Those who attend the meeting may write comments that the applicant will summarize and include in its application. Final designs will be completed and construction is anticipated to begin in Q2 of 2023 and be completed within 12 months, at which point Dixon Run Solar will be placed in service. If you are not able to attend the meeting, but still have comment or questions, you may submit them on the Submit a Comment page.
OBSP approved the Dixon Run Solar Project in September 2023.
Construction is anticipated to start in Q4 2025.
Go to the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) page for more information.