meeting details.
Date: March 22, 2022
Time : 6PM - 8PM
Location: ParksEdge Event Center 601 E. Main St. Jackson, OH 45640
public meeting presentation
Join us for an in person meeting.
The purpose of this meeting is to give members of the public an opportunity to interact with SunEnergy1 and expert consultants. The meeting will include:
Information on the Applicant
The Project’s location, size, and the supporting rationale
The types of studies and due diligence that will be conducted by SunEnergy1
The Ohio Power Siting Board’s review and certification process
The expected timeline of the Project and construction process
Responses to your questions
meeting location.
Whats the proximity to my property?
Use the map to the left to locate your property in relation to the project boundary. You can also click the image to open in a new window.